
How To Clean 55 Gallon Water Barrel

Tips for Storing Water In 55 Gallon Water Barrels

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Tips For Storing Water in 55-Gallon Plastic H2o Barrels

Long term water storage is a disquisitional part of your emergency preparedness! Please, please do not put off your emergency water storage. Yous and your family unit would simply survive a couple of days without access to water.

Today is the twenty-four hour period to make full your water barrels.

While there are a few larger options for h2o storage (totes and barrels effectually the 100- 300 gallon range), we will exist discussing storing h2o in 55-gallon plastic water barrels for this post.

I understand that this whole process can feel overwhelming, only nosotros have it broken down for you so that information technology is piece of cake to get started.

Just Starting Your Emergency Water Storage Journey?

Avoid overwhelm:

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How Much Emergency Water Storage Do I Need?

Family Size And Recommendations:
Gear recommends:

"Shop at least one gallon of water per person per twenty-four hour period for three days, for drinking and sanitation. A normally active person needs about three quarters of a gallon of fluid daily, from water and other beverages. Yet, private needs vary depending on historic period, wellness, physical status, activity, diet and climate.

Take the post-obit into business relationship:

  • Children, nursing mothers and sick people may demand more than water.
  • A medical emergency might require additional water.
  • If you alive in a warm weather climate more water may be necessary. In very hot temperatures, water needs can double."

And then if you are a family of v and you want enough water to last a week:

5 gallons per 24-hour interval x seven days = roughly 35 gallons of water*

*Keep in mind the considerations above including pets.

**Also consider what your food storage volition consist of and how much water you lot will need to make your meals (consider freeze dried meals).

Bottom line: You make up one's mind how much water your family unit needs and for how long you'd like to shop for. Determine how much portable water storage you already have saved and add the balance onto your "long term" water storage.

Water Barrels.

Preservation of food is likewise essential to homesteading & emergency preparedness! Freeze drying is the most lightweight selection for food storage and has a shelf life upwards to 25-xxx years. If you lot haven't heard of them, Harvest Right is an excellent company that has in our opinion the all-time at home freeze dryers on the market. Check them out and see what you lot call back:


How To Select The Correct Barrel

A 55-gallon plastic water barrel is 36″ high and 24″ wide. They weigh well over 450lbs when completely filled.

Make certain that the butt you lot are purchasing or using is made of food grade plastic. The most common plastic used to make 55-gallon water drums is chosen HDPE or High Density Polyethylene. Cheaper, non food grade plastics will leech toxic chemicals into your h2o over time.

While make new barrels are expensive, they come with the peace of listen knowing that goose egg toxic was stored in them previously.

If you become your hands on a used butt, make certain you lot know what has been stored in it previous to your ownership of it. Regardless of its history, every barrel should be properly cleaned and prepped earlier beingness filled (see below).

What Other Supplies Exercise I Need?

Make sure that your barrels accept bung caps for a proper seal.

Additionally, in order to properly tighten and loosen those caps, you will need a bung wrench.

Make up one's mind how you lot will have admission to your water in an emergency. Either using a drinking water hose as a siphon, or a heavy duty pump that tin exist inserted into the barrel and pump the h2o directly into your h2o container.

A water pump volition allow yous to hands pump out the water when needed. Another selection is a drinking water hose as a siphon.

Consider getting a 55-gallon h2o pulsate dolly then that you can get information technology upward off the ground and take wheels underneath for portability.

Barrels should be off of the ground. Practise not shop them directly on top of concrete. A dolly is neat, or simply wooden pallets will do. You lot tin can easily get wooden pallets for free from an online k auction grouping or hardware store.

Where Should Yous Store Your 55- Gallon H2o Barrels?

Live In A Small Apartment?

I take a friend who lives in a two bedroom flat and is serious about beingness prepared in instance of an emergency. She has her two 55-gallon plastic water barrels in her chamber.

She's cut a piece of plywood into a rectangle, placed them on summit and draped a lovely tablecloth on top of them that goes all the way downwardly to the floor. She uses the surface as a "nightstand" surface for things like books, glasses or photo frames. At a glance, you lot would never know she had her water stored at that place.

Bung cap and bung wrench.
Have Your Own Private Well?

Consider a family that lives in the country with their own private well. They take a spacious habitation and fifty-fifty a cold cellar where they store their harvested food yr round.

One would remember that they wouldn't need to worry about emergency h2o storage… but they know better. They've got all the supplies they need in instance they demand to leave their holding quickly. That includes some portable water containers, their own water pumps and filters, some rain water barrels for their livestock and finally their water barrels or totes in the common cold cellar.

Why? They may need to evacuate their property. They understand that well water is a responsibility that they've taken on to make sure information technology is healthy and set up to drink. Well h2o can go contaminated just like water from the city, in fact it's adequately common. It is recommended that private wells be tested once a year.

Sunlight, Temperature, Portability & A Way To Drain Them

Water barrels can nowadays many challenges when deciding the correct place to store them. Non everyone has a basement, and basements are not the easiest to access.

With that in mind (and though ideally yous should rotate the water each yr), every bit long as water is not being contaminated with leaner or other pathogens it never really goes "bad" on its own. Run all that water through a filter before using and you should be fine.

Water barrels should never exist stored in direct sunlight. Sunlight volition promote algae growth and suspension down the plastic over time. In fact the ideal surround for them is in a cool, dark room year round.

Many people apply black tarps to completely cover the barrels and this works well to keep out unwanted sunlight.

If you are storing them in the garage and have cold, freezing winters, practice non fill up up your barrels all the way because when the h2o freezes information technology expands and you'd likely deal with some cracking if the barrels are filled to the brim.

A h2o butt dolly volition allow for portability of your 400+ lb h2o butt when filled.
Portability & Draining:

Think nigh the weight of this barrel once full. You're talking over 400+lbs of water per butt! It is non going anywhere once full so take a plan for draining and refilling in the time to come.

Some basements or garages have congenital in drains in the flooring. You lot can use a drinking h2o hose to siphon the h2o out when needed or to refill from a sink.

Once again, think about getting a 55-gallon water drum dolly then that yous can go information technology upwardly off the footing and take wheels underneath for portability.

Consider Your Infinite & Exist Artistic

Your basement, your office, sleeping accommodation, sun room, cold storage room, the garage etc. The bottom line is that if it is a priority to you, then y'all will be able to discover a place for them to be.

Remember that it is meliorate to have some h2o in a "less ideal" location or surroundings than to have none at all.

How To Prep Your 55-Gallon Plastic Water Barrels

Make new barrel- If your h2o barrel is brand new, the only affair you should practice to prep information technology is add together a couple gallons of clean water. Roll the butt around, turn information technology upside down making certain all parts of the inside have been rinsed. Drain and you're set up to make full it up!

Used barrel that requires cleaning- Again, never use a barrel that once carried whatsoever kind of toxic materials.

If your barrel had an oily substance similar vegetable oil, then using a bit of dish lather will really aid. Simply keep in mind that y'all will accept to rinse and re-rinse over and over until you lot no longer get any suds from the barrel.

The best method in my opinion is to use a chlorine bleach solution to clean your water barrel because it eliminates odors, kills algae, molds, mildews and leaner left in the barrel. Simply use 4 T of bleach mixed with 2 gallons of water.

4 T of Bleach to Every two Gallons of Water

Add the solution, tighten the hurl caps and roll the butt effectually, turn information technology upside downwards etc. Allow it to sit down for at least an hour, with occasional mixing and rolling. Drain and rinse a few times until yous're confident it is properly rinsed.

Time To Fill Them Up – Yes, Just Arrive Happen Already!

Don't put off filling your water barrels. The time is now.

If you lot are using a hose for filling, once again, information technology is wise to use a drinking water hose to ensure the hose will not contaminate your water supply.

If filling from a chlorinated municipal urban center source at a time with no contamination, you do not demand to treat your water being stored. Y'all tin just fill the barrels and you are ready to become. Use the bung wrench to tighten properly and you're set up to store them.

If filling with untreated water or with h2o you're unsure about, it's best to treat the water at the time of putting it in the barrel.

Here are 3 methods of purifying the h2o in your 55-gallon plastic h2o butt:

  1. Aquamira chlorine dioxide water treatment. These ones are a bit more expensive but they actually enhance the sense of taste of your h2o, won't discolor information technology and use oxygen to disinfect.
  2. Adding ii Tablespoons of fresh unscented regular bleach. Sodium hypochlorite. Add the 2 T and then only seal the h2o butt and you're skillful to get.
  3. ane/four teaspoon of calcium hypochlorite. Calcium hypochlorite is also called bleaching powder, chlorine pulverization, or chlorinated lime. It is very pop for water purification because information technology is very inexpensive and can be used to actually brand your own fresh liquid bleach. If you already have a pool that you employ it for, this may be your best bet. Unused on the shelf it has a shelf life for up to five years.
Aquamira water treatment.

How Frequently Practise I Need To Refill Them?

It is recommended to rotate your emergency water storage every 6-12 months. That is the best exercise to have if yous tin fit that into your yearly plans.

However, if that isn't an ideal in your world, that'south okay.

Remember that in an emergency this water will likely be the best you lot've got and every bit long as it doesn't odour or look discolored you will be fine, particularly with actress filtering if you lot're concerned. Water is a stable compound that doesn't just go bad on it's own.





Remember that information technology is meliorate to accept some h2o in a "less ideal" location or surround than to accept none at all.

I hope you enjoyed these tips for storing water in 55-gallon water barrels and that information technology was helpful to you. If it was, please share! Annotate beneath and share how this whole process went for you and any questions you may have. Wishing you and your family all the best in your cocky reliance journeying.

All the all-time,


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How To Clean 55 Gallon Water Barrel,


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