
Difference Between Exocrine And Endocrine


Selina Solutions Class 8 Biological science Solutions for Exercise Short Respond Questions (SA) in Chapter 5 - Endocrine system and Adolescence

Question 5 Brusk Reply Questions (SA)

Q5) What is the difference between an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland ?


Solution :

Exocrine Gland Endocrine Gland
1. The exocrine gland sends their secretions through ducts directly to target organs of the body. 1. Endocrine glands are the ductless glands of the endocrine arrangement that secrete their products, hormones straight into the claret.
2. Ex. Salivary gland, pancreas, etc. 2. Ex.Thyroid, pituitary gland.etc.

Video transcript

"How-do-you-do anybody. My name is dr. Jacob. I'k a tutor at Lido and welcome yous all Toledo Lonnie. The question here is what is the difference between an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland? Okay. So you accept to State the difference between the exocrine gland and the endocrine gland. So what is an exocrine gland? Yes, exocrine gland this Central their secretions through ducts. Okay through the dark space and this equations directly. To the Target organs. Then information technology reaches these hormones these equations. They reach the target organs straight products. Okay, for example, we can say this sell ivory. Glantz, okay. So this elapsed Oliva saliva it reaches amount correct through the ducts. And then that is an example of EXO crime decline at present moving on to the endocrine gland. Then if in exocrine gland information technology is reaching through the ducts directly at the Target organs, what about endocrine glands? We can see that they are they don't accept any duct or they are ductless. Lance of the endocrine system Okay, they are the ductless glands of the endocrine system that secretes. Their products or hormones Into the directory into the claret All right. So the exocrine gland the secretions they reach the target organs that we products whereas endocrine glands. They are ductless glands and they secretes their products or hormones direct into the blood. Then which are the examples examples. You can tell the thyroid gland Pick your tree gland. And so if these Clans they produce this Eclipse a products are hormone into the claret and through the blood it reaches the target organs. So that is a deviation betwixt an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland. Alright, so I hope you understood this. If you accept any doubt, please annotate below and subscribe to this aqueduct for getting regular updates. We do side by side time with a new video stay tuned till then. Take care, and bye. "

Difference Between Exocrine And Endocrine,


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